At Fountain Day School, we build confidence, skills and the love of learning that support a healthy overall experience for your child. We offer an age appropriate learning environment that supports the fine/gross motor skills necessary for your children to develop skills that build upon each other.
Two-Year-Old Classes
Social skills can be fun! Children are gently led through positive transitioning, making friends, resolving conflicts (using words), learning rules, learning to listen, following instructions and respecting personal space. Hurray for “circle” time!
Creative skills can be unique! Your child discovers artistic talents … painting, coloring, tearing paper, using glue, and performance in front of others … singing and dancing.
Physical activity can be strengthening. Our program provides children with twice-weekly swimming lessons (four times weekly in summer), learning to enjoy playground equipment, taking healthy rests/naps and potty training.
Academic skills can be enriching. Children are introduced to phonics and the joy of memorizing songs.
Three-Year-Old Classes
Social skills: I’m a big boy or big girl now! Your growing child begins to work in small groups learning to cooperate with others, and enjoy dramatic play.
Creative skills—messy can be fun. Children explore painting with fingers, brushes and stamps, and unleashing their creativity using easels, scissors and innovative techniques. They expand their artistic experience to use the entire page with vibrant colors and shapes learning about perspective.
Physical activity can build confidence. The fun continues with twice-weekly swimming lessons (four time weekly in summer), learning to ride pedaled and hand-propelled bikes, and experiencing family- and life-affirming community opportunities.
Academic skills can be engaging. Children have fun reciting and understanding the alphabet; create exciting daily, weekly and monthly projects; and learning to sit and focus in group activities.
Four-Year-Old Classes
Social skills can build confidence. Working in teams, they learn cooperation and negotiate with peers.
Creative skills can be inspiring! Individuality is added to artistic expression as your child explores multimedia and complex materials. Each month, children will create a book based on the month’s theme for your enjoyment.
Physical activity can be strengthening. Children look forward to twice-weekly swimming lessons (four times weekly in summer), learn from experiencing coachable moments, playing team sports and following team rules.
Academic skills engage with a love of learning. Each child creates a personal journal that illustrates progress throughout the year. Further, Fountain Day School encourages the link between school and home with the use of short at-home assignments. We test children at this age to make sure they follow directions unprompted.